Comply with the NIS2 Directive

For companies needing to meet the regulatory and technical requirements of the NIS2 Directive.

  • Improve your level of cybersecurity and protect yourself against cyberthreats.
  • Strengthen your trust and reputation with partners, customers and the authorities.
  • Benefit from better cooperation and support at European level.
  • Benefit from greater resilience and response capacity in the face of cybersecurity crises.
  • Increase your awareness and training in cybersecurity issues and best practices.

Our Approach

AdronH collaborates with you to adapt your organization’s Cybersecurity Strategy and improve your Cyber Resilience, following the methodology proposed by the ISO27000 family framework:

  • Governance/Cyber Strategy: developing all key points including information security management, cyber risk management and compliance.
  • Incident Detection and Response: putting in place appropriate processes for your organization in Incident handling, Incident reporting, Business continuity and crisis management.
  • Infrastructure and Application Security: Setting up the missing but necessary controls in the areas of Infrastructure/Network security, Secure development practices, Identity and access control, Third party risk management.

Why AdronH?

  • AdronH is a people-centered IT company based in Luxembourg.
  • A team of certified experts with extensive technological skills and a synergy between people to provide the right solution adapted to each of our clients.
  • Knowledge of NIS2, CSSF, GDPR and other regulations.
  • User Awareness and Support: We give each of our clients keys for autonomy in IT security.

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